Lee Jae Myung: The Truth Behind the False Death Rumors

There has been a rapid spread of false claims regarding the demise of Lee Jae Myung, a prominent South Korean politician and the leader of the Democratic Party of Korea. These claims, however, have been proven to be completely unfounded. The confusion surrounding this misinformation stemmed from an incident where Lee Jae Myung was injured in a stabbing while engaging in a conversation with journalists in the city of Busan, a major port city in South Korea. It is important to clarify that despite the incident, Lee Jae Myung is alive and well, and the reports of his death are entirely false.

A Prominent Figure in South Korean Politics

Lee Jae Myung is a well-known figure in South Korean politics, known for his progressive policies and direct approach. He recently ran as the Democratic Party’s candidate in the 2022 presidential election in South Korea, but unfortunately, he was unable to secure victory against his opponent, Yoon Suk-yeol of the People Power Party. Prior to his presidential campaign, Lee served as the 35th Governor of Gyeonggi Province from 2018 to 2021 and held the position of Mayor of Seongnam from July 1, 2010, to March 15, 2018. Throughout his political career, Lee has consistently advocated for progressive reforms and has been recognized for his strong leadership.

The Incident that Sparked False Death Rumors

On January 2, 2024, Lee Jae Myung, while touring Busan, was stabbed in the neck, sparking false rumors of his death. He was inspecting a new airport site and accompanied by journalists when an assailant suddenly attacked him. The incident caused Lee to collapse, and bystanders rushed to his aid, leading to the spread of death rumors on the internet. However, despite the dramatic circumstances, Lee is alive. Witnesses reported that the attacker approached Lee under the pretense of asking for an autograph before stabbing him. Lee was immediately transported to a hospital, with reports stating that he remained conscious throughout the ordeal. The Busan police have confirmed that Lee suffered a one-centimeter laceration to his neck with minor bleeding. The attacker, a man in his 50s or 60s, was swiftly apprehended and is currently in custody. Updates on Lee’s condition and the motive behind the attack will be provided as more information becomes available.

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